I went to fornicate,
but all I got was counterfeit.
I went behind a ruined wall,
but scorpions stung me.
The watchman who heard my screams
just peeled off my clothes.
I went home in shame,
my husband raised weals on my back.
All the rest, O lord of the meeting rivers,
the king took for his fines.
to fate.
-- BASAVAŅŅA [Translated by A. K. Ramanujan in the book - Speaking of Siva]
Looking for your light,
I went out:
it was like the sudden dawn
of a million million suns,
a ganglion of lightnings
for my wonder.
O Lord of Caves,
if you are light,
there can be no metaphor.
--ALLAMA PRABHU [Translated by A. K. Ramanujan in the book - Speaking of Siva]